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5 Yucatecan Drinks you should try

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Here are 5 Yucatecan drinks you should try on your next trip to the Mayan Peninsula so you can taste the culture and hydrate yourself at the same time.

The State of Yucatan is one of the places where the ingredients are so diverse that they accommodate a wide range of flavors, and of course, the drinks could not be left behind.

Yucatecan Drinks

1. Chaya Water (Agua de Chaya)

Chaya water
Chaya water

In case you were wondering, the chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa, also known as spinach tree) is a plant that has great medicinal and therapeutic properties. It’s used in the Yucatan peninsula to prepare a drink that’s usually mixed with lemon or pineapple juice, and even cucumber water.

2. Xabentun

Xtabentun drink
Xtabentun drink

Its name means entangled vineyards that grow on stones, this alcoholic beverage is produced with the fermentation of a flower that bears the same name. Its flavor is very similar to anise and you will undoubtedly find different stories and legends about its origin.

3. Henequen Liquor

Henequen Liquor
Henequen Liquor

This colorless drink is a liquor very similar to mezcal and is made from the Agave fourcroydes. It is produced mainly in Izamal, which is why it is also known as Izamal liquor, although another of its commercial names is Sisal liquor. You can find it in its white and aged varieties.

4. Horchata and Coconut water

Horchata and Coconut water
Horchata and Coconut water

Horchata water is a very popular drink throughout Mexico, but in Yucatan, you can try this very refreshing variation of a classic drink for all ages. It consists of a mixture of horchata water (made with rice) to which fresh coconut and coconut water is added.

5. Pitahaya Water

Pitahaya Water
Pitahaya Water

The pitahaya is a fruit also known as dragon fruit, the pitahaya should not be confused with the pitaya since both are fruits, but come from different types of cactus. You can find this fruit in three variations, one reddish on the inside and on the outside; another yellow on the outside and white on the inside; and the third variation is pink on the outside and white on the inside. The water that is prepared with this fruit is refreshing, delicious and has beneficial properties for health.

With the high temperatures you feel in the Mayan Peninsula, you will surely want to try some or all of these drinks.

Picture of Sergio


Hi, I'm Sergio, the creator of Mayan Peninsula where I specialize in publishing everything related to Mayan Archaeological Sites in the form of eBooks, audio, 360º photos, videos, and more.
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