Chichen Itza Uxmal Mayapan Dzibilchaltun Xcambo Tulum


The Venus Temple in Chichen Itza

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It´s called the Venus Temple in Chichen Itza because there are representations in bas-relief of the planet Venus in its outer panels in the form of a Mayan Year Bundle next to a half flower with vanes in the petals; there’s also the symbol of Pop or braided mat that means lordship and power. The Venus Temple is also known as the Tomb of Chac Mool because its sculpture was found in its interior.

The stone bas-reliefs still conserve remains of red, blue and yellow paint that adorned the contours of the representation of the “morning star”, one of the manifestations of Kukulkan-Quetzalcoatl most admired by pre-Hispanic cultures.

In the sunken space appears Kukulcan or Venus coming out of the jaws of a serpent with feathers, forked tongue and jaguar claws.

Venus Temple in Chichen Itza and Kukulkán Pyramid
Venus Temple and Kukulkán Pyramid in Chichen Itza

Physical description of the Venus Temple

The Venus Temple in Chichen Itza is a base with a square floor plan more than 25 m on each side, with four staircases bordered by balustrades ending in a cube, from which a snakehead is projected.

The base is composed of a slope, a vertical wall with projecting panels that leave a sunken space, and a cornice-board as a finishing touch; the total height of the base is 4 m. On the cornice board, there is a feathered serpent with fish among its undulations whose head protrudes from the cube of the staircase’s arch.

Location of the Venus Temple in Chichen Itza

The Venus Temple in Chichen Itza is located in the Grand Plaza in front of the main side of the Kukulkán Pyramid, where the snakeheads are found, and on the side of the Temple of the Eagles and Jaguars.

Picture of Sergio


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