Chichen Itza Uxmal Mayapan Dzibilchaltun Xcambo Tulum


House of the Deer in Chichen Itza

The House of the Deer in Chichen Itza is nearly gone, but it has very similar architectural guidelines to those of Chichanchob. It’s on a platform or basement with rounded corners and a smooth facade; frieze between moldings and cresting on the front without any decoration. It’s part of a plaza that contains Chichanchob, and probably a residential complex associated with the Ossuary.

There is very little left of the House of the Deer from what was the original structure: more than half is now collapsed and only one full room is conserved. The entrance to another that no longer exists. Above the ceiling, you can hardly see the remains of what should have been the cresting.

The name is due to the fact that, according to tradition, inside the House of the Dear, a painting of a deer was found on stucco work, unfortunately, it already disappeared. It’s thought that the building suffered the passage of a waterway that washed away the stucco on the walls where the paint could have been.

In addition, in front of the House of the Dear, near Chichanchob and some trees, you can see the remains of some elongated buildings that were perhaps temples similar to the two that still remain standing.

Location of the House of the Deer in Chichen Itza

The House of the Deer in Chichen Itza is in a square plaza to the south of the Ossuary and before arriving to the Observatory.

Picture of Sergio


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