The Temple of the Frescoes in Tulum had an important social and religious importance; its architectural elements, murals, decorations, sculptures and general appearance point to a place of profound veneration.

The name of this building is due to the fact that in the back room of the first floor there are still remains of a mural painting on stucco, in black, green, yellow and mainly red with representations of female and male deities, intertwined snakes, offerings dedicated to the Gods like flowers, fruits
The vestiges of the paintings found inside the Temple of the Frescos in Tulum represent schematic deities made with lines in an area of approximately 8m long by less than 1m high.
The Temple of the Frescoes’ first floor
The Temple of the Frescoes in Tulum is a small two-story building, the first floor has two rooms and 4 monolithic columns that forms the entrance gaps. It also has 3 niches with the figure of the descending god in the center and two standing figures on both sides.

In the corners of the

The Temple of the Frescoes’ second floor
The second floor is a single small sanctuary decorated with red colored handprints. The outside of the temple has 3 horizontal protruding strips, and above the doorway there’s a niche with the figure of the descending god.
Building stages of the Temple of the Frescoes
During its first stage of construction a chamber with an altar was erected, murals on the facade and an entrance decorated with a human figure with his head down.
The second stage consisted of a gallery with entrances formed by several columns decorated with plaster figures. Later, part of the gallery was filled with stone to be used as a base for the upper temple.
Location of the Temple of the Frescoes in Tulum
The Temple of the Frescoes in Tulum is located in the center of the City in front of the funerary platform.